1. 株式カブシキ払込ハライコミ期日キジツ(ただし、2004ネン9ガツ以前イゼン払込ハライコミ期日キジツ翌日ヨクジツ)、債券サイケン発行日ハッコウビ集計シュウケイ基準キジュンとし、当該トウガイ現在ゲンザイ東証トウショウ上場ジョウジョウしている会社カイシャ実施ジッシブン集計シュウケイ対象タイショウとした。
2. 新規シンキ上場ジョウジョウ会社カイシャ上場ジョウジョウサイオコナ公募コウボ取扱トリアツカいは、以下イカのとおりである。
3. 新株シンカブ予約ヨヤクケン権利ケンリ行使コウシ」は、月間ゲッカン件数ケンスウ会社カイシャスウ年間ネンカン同一ドウイツ会社カイシャ実施ジッシブンは1ケンとした。
4. 優先ユウセン株式カブシキトウ」には子会社コガイシャ連動レンドウ配当ハイトウ株式カブシキフクみ、2002ネン1ガツ以降イコウアトクバ株式カブシキフクむ。
1. The payment date for stocks (or the day following the payment date for stocks before September, 2004) and the day of issuance for bonds are used 
as the base date. The total amount raised by all companies listed on the TSE as of the base date is calculated.
2. Handling of public offerings made when companies newly list will be as follows: 
a. All public offerings made when companies listed on the TSE during or before December, 2002 are excluded from calculation.
b. For the period from January, 2003 to March, 2007, all public offerings made when companies other than those making an initial public offering, 
companies listed on the OSE Hercules market, and companies listed on the Jasdaq market listed on the TSE are included in calculation.  
c. From April, 2007, public offerings made when companies list directly on the TSE are included in calculation.
3. Number of cases for "Warrants and Stock Options Exercised" are monthly aggregates. Annual figures are number of companies. Figures in "Warrants and 
Stock Options Exercised" exclude cases where treasury stocks are allotted in accordance with the exercise without issuing new shares.
4. Figures in "Preferred Stocks and Tracking Stocks" include those for deferred stocks from January 2002.